Dr. Whitaker's claim is that MI's are caused from inflammation and have nothing to do with cholesterol. Recent research is finding that the role of inflammation is much more involved than originally thought. So Dr. Whitaker has some validity in his claims.
However extensive research still shows that cholesterol plays a role in CAD.
The last link is a meta-analysis of Medline articles from 1966 to 1998 on CAD and statins.
Furthermore, Dr. Whitaker's references are a bit concerning: Business Week, 2 science articles-1 from Biofactors and 1 from Circulation (seemingly valid), and a book.
Finally, statins not only help reduce cholesterol, but also help reduce inflammation, which could be another factor in which they are helping to reduce MI's. So be it cholesterol or inflammation, research has shown that statins continue to lower MI's.
"Dr. Julian Whitaker's Health & Healing-Your Definitive Guide to Wellness Medicine". June 2008. Vol. 18; no. 6; pp. 1-3