Little has been published on the effects of laundry detergents. However, physicians and Uncle Buck always ask if you have changed laundry detergent when you get a rash. So a multicenter study was conducted to evaluate the validity of this old adage. The study for allergic contact demratitis (ACD) involved the placement of 2 patch tests-a granular detergent and a liquid one. Reactions to other chemicals like fragrances and nickel were compared to the laundry detergent reactions. Over 700 patients volunteered, but only 5 had a postitive patch test to either or both detergents. 2 of these 5 patients could be evaluated further. Further testing showed that in 1 of the 2, reduplication of the dermatitis could not be elicited. Meanwhile, the other had a reaction to the controls and the detergents. For more details on the study and others like it, check out the citations below.
Information from:
Allergic contact dermatitis to detergents: a multicenter study to assess prevalence.
Division of Dermatology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160-7319, USA.
Study can be found at:
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Great find. I can't wait to read it.
Here's a google scholar search that will turn up the article
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